Monday, December 5, 2011

Daily Challenge

Share the names of your 3 favorite in-season fruits and vegetables.

How to do it:
What are your favorite fruits or vegetables that you enjoy this time of year? Share 3 of them - and why you find them so delicious! - by talking about it on Facebook, emailing or texting a friend, or talking with a colleague.
Why it matters:
Eating a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables is important all year round, and each season features tasty finds! Produce can help protect you from heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, and its fiber content helps fill you up. By sharing your favorites, you may encourage others to share theirs with you, giving you even more healthy fruit and veggie ideas.
Let us know what your favorites are.
Fun Fact:
The pomegranate fruit is in season between October and January.

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