Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today is Tuesday, November 22, 2011 

National Cashew Day

Today is National Cashew Day! Whether you like them plain, salted, roasted, or coated in sugar, cashews are a delicious treat! Although cashews are popular in Thai, Indian, and Chinese cuisines, they are actually native to Brazil. They have also been widely cultivated in India and Africa ever since the Portuguese exported them during the 16th century.
Did you know that parts of the cashew tree can be used for medicinal and manufacturing purposes? Acid from the cashew nutshells is effective in healing tooth abscesses and the tree's seeds can be ground up into a powder and used as an antivenom for snake bites. The oil from the nutshells is used in brake linings as well as in rubber and plastic materials.
To celebrate National Cashew Day, snack on some cashews or cook them into your favorite recipe!

November is National Pomegranate Month & Peanut Butter Lover's Month & Family Literacy Month
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for November 22
1906 - The International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin adopted the SOS distress signal. 

1917 - The National Hockey League (NHL) was officially formed in Montreal, Canada. 

1943 - U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo to discuss the measures for defeating Japan. 

1955 - RCA Records bought the rights to the music of Elvis Presley for $25,000. 

1975 - "Dr. Zhivago" appeared on TV for the first time. NBC paid $4 million for the broadcast rights. 

1977 - Regular passenger service on the Concorde began between New York and Europe. 

1986 - Mike Tyson became the youngest to wear the world heavyweight-boxing crown. He was only 20 years and 4 months old. 
Reflections on Life
"It is defeat that turns bone to flint; it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle; it is defeat that makes men invincible." 

--Henry Ward Beecher 

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