Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today is...
Bubble Bath Day!

People have been enjoying warm baths for thousands of years. In Ancient Rome, bathing at a public facility was part of the daily routine for most citizens. A trip to the Roman baths might include a dip in the caldarium (hot tub), a brief break in the laconicum (sauna), and a refreshing swim in the frigidarium (cold pool).
Up until the late 1940s, the average American bathed once a week for personal hygiene. Today, a daily shower is standard, but it’s important to indulge in a luxurious soak every once in a while. A bubble bath can help open up your pores, cleanse your skin, and relax muscles.
Pick up a bottle of your favorite bubble bath product and fill your tub tonight to celebrate Bubble Bath Day! Create a calming spa atmosphere with background music, candles, and a towel to cushion your neck. Enjoy!

Today is also National English Toffee Day

January is Get Organized Month & National Oatmeal Month
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for January 8th

1297 - Monaco gains its independence.

1835 - US national debt is 0 for the first and only time.

1958- Bobby Fisher wins the U.S. Chess Championship at age 14.

1964President Lyndon B Johnson declares "War on Poverty"
1993-  NBC offers "Tonight Show" to David Letterman.


Reflections on Life"Purpose is what gives life a meaning."

-- C. H. Parkhurst

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