Thursday, January 2, 2014

Today is...
National Cream Puff Day!
Cream puffs are unusual pastries. Flour is added to a boiled mixture of butter and water, and then cooked at a high temperature until the mixture becomes a smooth ball of dough with a hollow center. After cream puffs are taken out of the oven, they must be cut in half or the pastry will deflate upon cooling.
To celebrate National Cream Puff Day, bake some of your own divine cream puffs to enjoy. Don't forget to top them off with powdered sugar!

January is Get Organized Month & National Oatmeal Month
images and text courtesy of" --

for January 2nd

1839 - First photo of the Moon (French photographer Louis Daguerre)

1872 - Canada and the US first share telegraphed weather reports.

1929 - US & Canada agree to preserve Niagara Falls

1960Senator John F Kennedy, announces his candidacy for President
1974 U.S. President Nixon signs into law a national highway speed limit of 55 miles per hour.


Reflections on Life"Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom."

-- Euripides

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