Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today is...
Tu B'Shevat!
Send a free eCard to friends and family to celebrate! Tu B’Shevat is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the New Year for Trees. According to an ancient tradition, people are not supposed to eat the fruit from any tree that is less than five years old. Tu B’Shevat is used as the universal day of measurement when each tree turns one year older.
To celebrate the New Year for Trees, people plant saplings and give thanks for spring, which is just around the corner. Another custom is to eat dishes made with the Seven Species (also known as the Shivat Haminim): wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates.
Cook up a delicious dinner with lots of fresh vegetables, start a container garden in your kitchen, and make plans for the spring season in honor of Tu B’Shevat!

Today is also National Strawberry Ice Cream Day & American Idol - New Season Begins
January is Get Organized Month & National Oatmeal Month

 This week is Cuckoo Dancing Week
images and text courtesy of" --

for January 15th

1844 - The University of Notre Dame is founded

1870 - Thomas Nast creates the symbol of the democratic party, the donkey

1943 - The world's largest office building, The Pentagon, is dedicated (Arlington, Virginia).

1973 President Nixon suspends all US offensive action in North Vietnam
2009 Miracle on the Hudson


Reflections on Life"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook."

-- William James

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