Monday, January 20, 2014

Today is...
Martin Luther King Day!

On this day we celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to the pursuit of justice and equality for all.
President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law on November 2, 1983—fifteen years after the assassination of the civil rights leader. A congressman from Michigan introduced the legislation just a few months after Dr. King’s death in 1968, but it took years of petitions, politics, and personal appeals from Coretta Scott King to get it passed.
Martin Luther King Day is celebrated every year on the third Monday in January. There are only two other federal holidays that honor individuals—Washington’s Birthday (also known as Presidents Day) and Columbus Day.
Today, take a moment to honor Dr. King’s work and reflect on his dream for America. Find out how you can participate in the national day of service and volunteer on Martin Luther King Day.

Today is also National Cheese Lover's Day & National Buttercrunch Day & Penguin Awareness Day

January is Get Organized Month & National Oatmeal Month

 This week is Sundance Film Festival & Slam Dance Week
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for January 20th

1783 - Great Britain signs preliminary peace treaty ending American Revolutionary War

1920 - American Civil Liberties Union Founded

1942 - Japanese invade Burma

1949 President Truman announces his Point Four program
1981 Ronald Reagan inaugurated as President


Reflections on Life"We make our fortunes, and we call them fate."

-- Earl of Beaconsfield

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