Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today is...

National Potato Chip Day

Today is National Potato Chip Day! Did you know that Americans consume 1.2 billion pounds of potato chips each year? It’s the nation’s favorite snack food!
An Irish chef named George Crum invented potato chips in Saratoga Springs in 1853. One day, a picky customer kept sending his fried potatoes back to the kitchen, complaining that they were too thick and soggy. Crum responded by slicing the potatoes so thin that they couldn’t be eaten with a fork. The customer was so pleased with Crum's crispy creation that they became a regular item on the restaurant's menu!
To celebrate National Potato Chip Day, enjoy some of your favorite potato chips with your lunch or dinner!
Today is also Pi Day & Bake a Pie Day & International Fanny Pack Day
This week is National Wildlife Week 
March is National Peanut Month & International Ideas Month & National Craft Month

mages and text courtesy of" --

for March 14

1629 - A Royal charter was granted to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1794 - Eli Whitney received a patent for his cotton gin.

1900 - U.S. currency went on the gold standard with the ratification of the Gold Standard Act.

1956 - The movie "Rock Around the Clock" (with Bill Haley) made its premier in Washington, DC.

Reflections on Life "The three things most difficult are: to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of leisure."


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