Friday, February 28, 2014

Today is...
National Tooth Fairy Day!
For hundreds of years people have shared mystical legends, stories, and traditions about the loss of baby teeth. The early Europeans buried children’s teeth so witches and evil spirits couldn’t use them for voodoo. The Vikings believed that children's teeth had magical powers that could help them fight in battle. They would pay their children for their lost baby teeth and string them onto necklaces and other jewelry.
Over time, people began to share stories about a Tooth Mouse who scampers around town and steals children's teeth in the middle of the night. The story of the mouse evolved into the story of the Tooth Fairy who leaves treasures under children's pillows in exchange for their lost teeth.
Tooth Fairy traditions are still popular today. Kids all over the world place their lost baby teeth under their pillows at night and look forward to a wonderful surprise in the morning. Happy National Tooth Fairy Day!

Today is also Today is also National Chocolate Souffle Day & National Pancake Day

February is Black History Month & National Weddings Month & Potato Lover's Month

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for February 28th

1849 - First passenger ship line from New York arrives in San Francisco.

1940 - Basketball is televised for the first time (Fordham University vs. the University of Pittsburgh in Madison Square Garden).

1953 Cambridge University scientists discover the chemical structure of DNA.

1961 JFK names Kissinger special advisor.

1990 The space shuttle Atlantis launches from Cape Canaveral, to place a spy satellite in orbit.


"Well begun is half done."

Greek Proverb

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