Thursday, February 27, 2014

Today is...
National Strawberry Day!

Today we pay homage to one of the most popular fruits in the world. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen every year, so they are often called the “taste of spring.” The bright red juicy berries are both delicious and incredibly good for you. Each bite is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.
People have been enjoying strawberries and their health benefits for centuries. In fact, the Ancient Romans believed that strawberries could cure fevers, fainting, inflammation, and several other ailments. They also used the berries for teeth whitening!
To celebrate National Strawberry Day, enjoy a fresh bowl of strawberries and cream, a strawberry smoothie, a piece of toast smothered in strawberry jam, or a scoop of strawberry ice cream. Enjoy!

Today is also National Kahlua Day & National Chili Day & International Polar Bear Day

February is Black History Month & National Weddings Month & Potato Lover's Month

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for February 27th

1879 - Announcement of the discovery of artificial sweetener saccharin.

1902 - American Automobile Association founded.

1939 United States labor law: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that sit-down strikes violate property owners' rights and are therefore illegal.

1951 The 22nd Amendment to US Constitution, limiting Presidents to 2 terms, is ratified.

  2010 8.8 Quake strikes Chile - World's 5th biggest quake since 1900.


"We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough."

Helen Keller

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