Friday, February 21, 2014

Today is...
National Sticky Bun Day!
Sticky buns, also known as cinnamon rolls, are a delicious breakfast pastry made with leavened dough. Traditional recipes call for a glazed topping with pecans, maple syrup or honey, cinnamon, and butter.
The first people to add honey and nuts to their bread were the Ancient Egyptians. Glazed pastries have been popular ever since! German settlers in Pennsylvania created our modern-day sticky buns. The pastries were originally called “Schnecken” and are still considered a Philadelphia specialty.
Celebrate National Sticky Bun Day by baking some fresh sticky buns to share with friends and family!

Today is also International Mother Language Day

February is Black History Month & National Weddings Month & Potato Lover's Month

This week is National Engineers Week & National Pancake Week

images and text courtesy of" --

for February 21st

1792 - Congress passes Presidential Succession Act, which designates the line of succession to the office of President of the US, in events of inability to discharge Presidential duties.

1878 - The first U.S. telephone directory is distributed (District Telephone Co., New Haven, CT), and lists 50 businesses, on a single piece of cardboard.

1915 World's Fair in San Francisco opens, just nine years after a devastating earthquake, and featured exhibits on the opening of the Panama Canal.

1947 Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera": the Polaroid Land Camera

  1948 -   NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) is incorporated.


"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it."

W.C. Fields

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