Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today is...

National Wildlife Day

It's National Wildlife Day! Today is a celebration of all the amazing creatures in nature. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the many endangered species in this country and around the world.
Do you have a zoo or animal sanctuary in your area? It's quite possible that people in your community are already working hard to preserve animal life and educate the public about conservation. You can learn more about these important issues on the Land Conservation and Advocacy Trust website.
National Wildlife Day is a great day to visit your local zoo, adopt a pet, donate to your favorite animal shelter, or volunteer to help in any way you can. Help make a difference!
Today is also National Macadamia Nut Day & Newspaper Carrier Day
September is National Organic Harvest Month & National Piano Month
This week is National Waffle Week

images and text courtesy of MyPunchbowl.com" -- http://www.mypunchbowl.com/

for September 4
1781 - Los Angeles, CA, was founded by Spanish settlers. The original name was "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula," which translates as "The Town of the Queen of Angels."

1882 - Thomas Edison's Pearl Street electric power station began operations in New York City. It was the first display of a practical electrical lighting system.

1886 - Geronimo, and the Apache Indians he led, surrendered in Skeleton Canyon in Arizona to Gen. Nelson Miles.

1888 - George Eastman registered the name "Kodak" and patented his roll-film camera. The camera took 100 exposures per roll.

1953 - The New York Yankees became the first baseball team to win five consecutive American League championships.

1967 - "Gilligan's Island" aired for the last time on CBS-TV. It ran for 98 shows.


Reflections on Life"The most dangerous temptation is the temptation to prepare to live, instead of living."

--Leo Tolstoy

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