Monday, May 14, 2012

Today is...

National Dance Like a Chicken Day

Today is National Dance Like a Chicken Day! Although we may not like to admit it, we all have rocked the Chicken Dance at least once or twice in our lives. This silly dance is a perennial favorite at birthday parties, bat mitzvahs, weddings, and other family gatherings.
A Swiss accordion player named Werner Thomas wrote the melody for the Chicken Dance song in the late 1950s. In 1963, he began performing it at his restaurant. The people who bravely stood up and danced along to the tune often used sporadic movements that reminded Thomas of ducks and chickens. By the time the Chicken Dance arrived in America in the 1970s, it had acquired set choreography with repetitive beak, wing, and tail motions.
Today, the Chicken Dance has earned a permanent place in the pantheon of cheesy party dances. Other favorites include the Hokey Pokey, the Electric Slide, and the Macarena. To celebrate National Dance Like a Chicken Day, turn on this familiar tune and dance like a chicken!
Today is also National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
May is National Bike Month & National Strawberry Month & National Hamburger Month

This week is American Craft Beer Week

mages and text courtesy of" --

for May 14
1787 - Delegates began gathering in Philadelphia for a convention to draw up the U.S. Constitution.

1853 - Gail Borden applied for a patent for condensed milk.

1878 - The name Vaseline was registered by Robert A. Chesebrough.

1913 - The Rockefeller Foundation was created by John D. Rockefeller with a gift of $100,000,000.

1985 - The first McDonald's restaurant became the first fast-food business museum. It is located in Des Plaines, Illinois.

1998 - The final episode of the TV series "Seinfeld" aired after nine years on NBC.


Reflections on Life "You have to live on this twenty-four hours of daily time. Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money, content, respect, and the evolution of your mortal soul. Its right use, its most effective use, is a matter of highest urgency."

--Arnold Bennett

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