Friday, February 24, 2012

Today is...

National Tortilla Chip Day

It’s National Tortilla Chip Day! Rebecca Webb Carranza invented tortilla chips in the 1950s. Carranza and her husband owned the El Zarape Tortilla Factory in Los Angeles and were among the first to automate the production of tortillas. The machine often produced misshapen tortillas, and Carranza decided to try and use them instead of throwing them away. She cut the rejected tortillas into triangles, fried them, and sold them for a dime a bag.
Tortilla chips soon became a nationwide sensation, served alongside salsa, chili, guacamole, and a variety of other appetizers. In 2003, the state of Texas made the tortilla chip the official state snack!
To celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day, buy a bag of your favorite tortilla chips (or try making your own) and enjoy them with your favorite dip!
This week is National Pancake Week
February is Black History Month & Potato Lover's Month & National Weddings Month

mages and text courtesy of" --

1510 - Pope Julius II excommunicates the republic of Venice
1525 - Battle at Pavia: Emperor Karel V's troops beat French king
1525 - Francois I caught taken/8700 killed
1525 - Imperial forces defeat French in battle of Pavia
1527 - Ferdinand of Austria crowned as king of Bohemia
1528 - Hungarian anti-king Janos Zapolyai & Sultan Suleiman signs treaty
1530 - 1st imperial coronation by a Pope, Charles V crowned by Clement V
1538 - King Ferdinand of Austria & King Janos Zapolyai of Hungary sign Peace of            Grosswardein
1538 - Treaty of Nagyvarad between Ferdinand I and John ZĂ¡polya.

Reflections on Life "When people say to me: 'How do you do so many things?' I often answer them, without meaning to be cruel: 'How do you do so little?' It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence to take the risks. Yet most people don’t. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever."

--Phillip Adams

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