Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today is Wednesday, 
September 28, 2011

Strawberry Cream Pie Day

Today is Strawberry Cream Pie Day! Did you know that 70% of a strawberry cream pie’s weight comes from the strawberries themselves? That's a lot considering that the fruit isn't even in season in September!
When you set out to find the perfect strawberry cream pie there are many variations from which to choose. Some recipes use cream cheese in the filling while others call for whipped cream or custard. Crusts can be sweet or savory, strawberries can be whole or whipped into a mousse, and there are dozens of different toppings.
September is National Piano Month National Organic Harvest Month
Find your favorite kind of strawberry cream pie or sample a selection to celebrate Strawberry Cream Pie Day!

"Images and text courtesy of" --

for September 28

1850 - The U.S. Navy abolished flogging as a form of punishment. 

1924 - The first around-the-world flight was completed by two U.S. Army planes when they landed in Seattle, WA. The trip took 175 days. 

1955 - The World Series was televised in color for the first time. The game was between the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers. 

1972 - Communist China and Japan agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations. 

1991 - In response to U.S. President Bush's reduction of U.S. nuclear arms Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev promised to reciprocate. 

1991 - The Garth Brooks album "Ropin' the Wind" became the first country album to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard pop chart. 

Reflections on Life

"When people are bored, it is primarily with their own selves."

--Eric Hoffer

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