Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today is...
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day!
If you’ve been following our daily Reasons to Celebrate, then you know how many interesting and unique holidays there are in the world. Today is your chance to make one up!
Establishing an official national holiday is not an easy process. For example, in the 1800s Sarah Josepha Hale decided that our nation should observe a national day of thanks. She wrote countless letters to politicians, governors, and even the president. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln agreed to Hale’s proposal, but Thanksgiving did not become an official national holiday until 1941!
To celebrate Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, come up with a creative, meaningful, or quirky idea for a holiday. Invite friends and family over tonight for its first annual celebration!

March is International Ideas Month & National Craft Month & National Peanut Month

This week is National Spring Fever Week

images and text courtesy of" --

for March 26th

1484 - William Caxton introduces first mass-produced translations of "Aesop's Fables", in English.
1950 - Senator Joseph McCarthy charges college Professor Owen Lattimore with espionage.

1971 East Pakistan proclaimed its independence, taking the name Bangladesh, after war with West Pakistan.

1979 Israel and Egypt sign peace deal with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and in the company of President Jimmy Carter.

1991 - Treaty of Asuncion, signed by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, establishing the South Common Market in Mercosur.

"The power of imagination makes us infinite."

- John Muir

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