Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today is...
National Men Make Dinner Day!

This holiday is dedicated to all the wonderful men in the world who never learned how to cook. It serves as their opportunity to step up to the plate and try their hand in the kitchen. For the men who make dinner on a regular basis, you can submit your best recipe on the National Men Make Dinner website!
There are several official rules for National Men Make Dinner Day. These include no grilling, no take-out, and no dishes left in the sink. The man must use a recipe that involves at least four ingredients and a cooking utensil other than a fork. Check out the full list of rules and other interesting information about this humorous national holiday!

Today is also Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

November is Family Literacy Month & National Pet Adoption Month & National Pomegranate Month & Peanut Butter Lover's Month

images and text courtesy of" --

for November 7th

1874Cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly first use of elephant for Republican Party

1929 - Museum of Modern Art, New York opens

1932 - "Buck Rogers in the 25th century" radio program premieres

1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt elected for a record fourth term as President of the United States
1967 - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967


Reflections on Life “The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”

Pearl Buck

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