Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Today is...
Citizenship Day!
Citizenship Day (also known as Constitution Day) marks the anniversary of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. It also recognizes all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.
The origin of this holiday dates back to 1940 when "I am an American Day" was celebrated on the third Sunday in May. In 1952, Congress moved the date to September 17 and renamed it “Citizenship Day.” In 2004, the official name changed to “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.”
To celebrate this holiday, schools around the country receive federal funding to provide lessons about the Constitution. Take a moment today to reflect on the Constitution and what it means to be a U.S. citizen!

Today is also National Apple Dumpling Day

September is National Organic Harvest Month & National Piano Month

This week is National Singles Week

images and text courtesy of MyPunchbowl.com" -- http://www.mypunchbowl.com/

for September 17

1796 - U.S. President George Washington's Farewell Address was read before the U.S. Congress.

1862 - The Battle of Antietam took place during the American Civil War. More than 23,000 men were killed, wounded, or missing. The Rebel advance was ended with heavy losses to both armies.

1972 - "M*A*S*H" premiered on CBS-TV.

1983 - Johnny Bench, of the Cincinnati Reds, retired after 16 years as a catcher.


Reflections on Life"I can but think that the world would be better and brighter if our teachers would dwell on the duty of happiness as well as the happiness of duty; for we ought to be as bright and genial as we can, if only because to be cheerful ourselves is a most effectual contribution to the happiness of others."

--Sir John Lubbock

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