Friday, June 28, 2013

Today is...
International Caps Lock Day!
 It's a whole day dedicated to something that drives most people CRAZY—text that is written in ALL CAPITALIZED LETTERS.
International Caps Lock Day was created in 2000 by Derek Arnold of Iowa. This holiday began as a parody. It was intended to poke fun at those individuals who unnecessarily capitalize letters, words, and phrases.The day became so popular with internet users that it is now celebrated twice a year—on June 28 and on October 22.
Hit your caps lock button and celebrate INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY!

Today is also Paul Bunyan Day & National Tapioca Day

This week is Watermelon Seed Spitting Week

June is Great Outdoors Month

images and text courtesy of" --

for June 28

1894 - The U.S. Congress made Labor Day a U.S. national holiday.

1911 - Samuel J. Battle became the first African-American policeman in New York City.

1919 - The Treaty of Versailles was signed ending World War I exactly five years after it began. The treaty also established the League of Nations.

1938 - The U.S. Congress created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to insure construction loans.

1945 - U.S. General Douglas MacArthur announced the end of Japanese resistance in the Philippines.


Reflections on Life "Do not be interested in the quantity of people who respect and admire you, but in their quality. If bad people dislike you, so much the better."

--Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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