Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today is...

Microwave Oven Day

Today is Microwave Oven Day! In 1942, a man named Dr. Percy Spencer was testing the magnetron and discovered that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. He conducted a series of tests and concluded that microwave energy caused food to cook much faster than the heat from a conventional oven. The first microwave oven (which was called the “Radarange”) made its debut in the late 1940s. It stood over six feet tall and weighed over 700 pounds!
Today, over 90% of American households own a microwave oven. In fact, there is an entire food industry based on this one appliance. Just think of everything you can cook in the microwave—frozen meals, leftovers, popcorn, “mug brownies,” and much more.
To celebrate Microwave Oven Day, pick up your favorite microwaveable meal for dinner tonight! Bon appétit!
Today is also National Gazpacho Day

December is National Fruit Cake Month & National Egg Nog Month

This week is National Cookie Cutter Week

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for December 6

1774 - Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system.

1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.

1884 - The construction of the Washington Monument was completed by Army engineers. The project took 34 years.

1926 - In Italy, Benito Mussolini introduced a tax on bachelors.

1957 - America's first attempt at putting a satellite into orbit failed when the satellite blew up on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, FL.

1988 - Metallica recorded their first video, "One."

1998 - Astronauts aboard the space shuttle Endeavour connected the first two building blocks of the international space station in the shuttle cargo bay.


Reflections on Life"The true way to soften one’s troubles is to solace those of others."

--Mme. De Maintenon

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