Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today is...

Jump for Jelly Beans Day

It’s National Jump for Jelly Beans Day! Today, we encourage candy-lovers everywhere to jump for joy and show your appreciation for jelly beans. These tiny candies evolved from an ancient confection called “Turkish delight,” which was one of the earliest forms of hard candy. Our modern-day jelly beans gained popularity during the American Civil War. A candy company in Boston began marketing jelly beans as the perfect treat to send to soldiers, and soon everyone was hooked. One of the most famous jelly bean fans is President Ronald Reagan. He served them at his inauguration!
To celebrate National Jump for Jelly Beans Day, treat yourself to a delicious handful of jelly beans. Jump for joy when you stumble upon your favorite flavor!

images and text courtesy of MyPunchbowl.com" -- http://www.mypunchbowl.com/

for July 31
1498 - Christopher Columbus, on his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, arrived at the island of Trinidad.

1790 - The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for his process for making potash and pearl ashes. The substance was used in fertilizer.

1948 - U.S. President Truman helped dedicate New York International Airport (later John F. Kennedy International Airport) at Idlewild Field.

1964 - The American space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the moon's surface.

1971 - Men rode in a vehicle on the moon for the first time in a lunar rover vehicle (LRV).

1991 - U.S. President Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.


Reflections on Life"Anyone can revolt. It is more difficult silently to obey our own inner promptings, and to spend our lives finding sincere and fitting means of expression for our temperament and our gifts."

--Georges Rouault

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