Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today is...

National Popcorn Day

It’s National Popcorn Day! Americans eat about 16 billion quarts of popcorn each year (about 51 quarts per person), which makes it one of the most popular snacks in the country. It is also one of the oldest.
Popcorn has been around for centuries. It is one of six main varieties of corn. (The others are pod, sweet, flour, dent, and flint.) Popcorn originated in Mexico, but eventually made its way north. In 1948, archaeologists in the state of New Mexico discovered ancient popcorn ears that were at least 5,600 years old! The Native Americans (in both North and South America) popped their corn by throwing it on hot stones over a fire.
Today, we rely heavily on microwaveable popcorn, which was introduced in the 1980s. To celebrate National Popcorn Day, make your favorite kind of popcorn and enjoy it while watching a movie with your friends!
January is Get Organized Month & National Oatmeal Month

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for January 19
1825 - Ezra Daggett and Thomas Kensett of New York City patented a canning process to preserve salmon, oysters and lobsters.

1883 - Thomas Edison's first village electric lighting system using overhead wires began operation in Roselle, NJ.

1949 - The salary of the President of the United States was increased from $75,000 to $100,000 with an additional $50,000 expense allowance for each year in office.

1953 - Sixty-eight percent of all TV sets in the U.S. were tuned to CBS-TV, as Lucy Ricardo, of "I Love Lucy," gave birth to a baby boy.

1957 - Johnny Cash made his first network TV appearance, on CBS' "Jackie Gleason Show."

1966 - Indira Gandhi was elected prime minister of India.


Reflections on Life"Amusement is the happiness of those who cannot think."

--Alexander Pope

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